Matheson Lake Regional Park
Establishment and park at Matheson Lake Park Road, Victoria, BC V9C 4H9, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Matheson Lake Regional Park: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment Park
Matheson Lake Park Road
British Columbia V9C 4H9
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4 /5
Based on 1 reviews
Reviews of Matheson Lake Regional Park
- stephen kagan Added 2018-02-07★ ★ ★ ★ ☆Matheson Lake
Sometimes we need to walk through the forest,
slowly and deliberately.
Then we can remember to listen,
listen to the world
beyond the pulsing of our mortal hearts
and the simmerings of our primate minds,
our longings, dreams and desires.
When we walk slowly and deliberately
we can follow the twisted old limbs of Arbutus
reaching and opening to the world.
And the wrinkled skin of the lake
reveals the liquid cohesion of molecules
gathered from the remains of ancient stars.
Walking slowly, mindful of our breathing
between Cedar and Fir rising to embrace the sky,
roots crawling through the soil in deep time,
the old monks of quiet stone rest in the ground.
Sitting quietly, overlooking the lake
The glory of the sun brings the scene to life
while blinding us to the dark expanse of space beyond.
The calm expanse of water shimmers with light,
the soft unthinking moss crawls across boulders
and the community of trees uplift their limbs to the sky
a chorus resting between songs.
Quietly, we share a meal,
the bounty of farm and the labor of hands.
We sit in communion and song
prayers not for what we don’t yet have
but for tenderness and courage.
For a long while, I remember
And sink into the depths of silence
a mysterious and boundless place
outside the vibrant ocean of this cosmos
where I am something more and less than light.
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